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    Interior Design

    Interior Design is a branch of design that covers the designing of the interiors of a room or building. It includes the development of a concept, up to the actual execution of the design. Your proper education will expand your understanding of the human need, user experience, site context, and culture. Interior design is important due to the aesthetic value it posses in a given space. Learning interior design gives us a better scope of fabrics materials color furniture and lighting that will have desired effect on the person occupying the premises.

    Interior design is a process that provides its customers with a set of aesthetically pleasing but efficient solutions for a better use of the space in question. The goal of interior design is to improve the user experience by better managing the space available in the intervened environment. There are several challenges that make interior design an activity developed by professionals in the field. Basically, it is a way to transform the lives of people who live or enjoy a certain space, improving their quality of life in this through design and decoration. Here the importance of proper education comes.

    Industry wants new talent to enter this field. The 1-Year Diploma program in Interior Designing from LEARNWISE is focused on creative planning and skilled design of interior spaces. Passed out candidates may pursue your career as a interior designer or as an interior architect.


    Eligiblity : Plus Two / Any Graduation


    Blitz School of Interior Design nurtures responsible interior designers who possess cultural understanding, are agil and have broad- based innovation capabilities; interior designers who can create intelligent, inclusive, sensitive design, whether to make big differences or small ones. with an infrastructure comprising high end computer workstations, creative learning aids, and indusrty collaborations that interweave practical learning with classroom teaching, students learn to employ design-led probelem-solving techniques to address the most pressing issues of the world.

    Eligiblity : Any Graduation


    Blitz School of Interior Design nurtures responsible interior designers who possess cultural understanding, are agil and have broad- based innovation capabilities; interior designers who can create intelligent, inclusive, sensitive design, whether to make big differences or small ones. with an infrastructure comprising high end computer workstations, creative learning aids, and indusrty collaborations that interweave practical learning with classroom teaching, students learn to employ design-led probelem-solving techniques to address the most pressing issues of the world.

